
Vanguard Voices – Interview with Klancy Cunningham


Vanguard Voices INTERVIEW WITH KLANCY CUNNINGHAM   In this episode of Vanguard Voices, I'm joined by Klancy Cunningham. Klancy has worked in children's ministry for over 35 years and has recently released her new book, Activating Children In The Prophetic, which is a wonderful introductory guide for training children to hear the voice of God and minister prophetically. In this episode, Klancy and I discuss: The reasons why it is important to train children at an early age to hear the voice of God and the fallout if we wait. How developing a relationship with the Holy Spirit [...]

Vanguard Voices – Interview with Klancy Cunningham2024-03-19T20:39:22+00:00

Impacting Local Communities


This month, we’re talking about strategies for local impact! If there is one thing we have learned over the last year, it is the impact local government and community leaders have on our daily lives. Many communities around the nation have been deeply impacted by school boards and teachers embracing radical policies like critical race theory and gender confusion while lowering academic standards. Local government covid restrictions have shut down businesses and churches, and many community media outlets promote fear and embrace socialist policies. Out of these experiences, we now know that dangerous ideologies have deeply and thoroughly embedded themselves into our society. [...]

Impacting Local Communities2021-08-17T21:10:26+00:00

Strategic Impact: Empowering the Next Generation


Young people today are facing unprecedented levels of warfare designed to pull them away from the plans that God has for their lives. Schools have become indoctrination centers. Addiction to social media has opened doors to fear, anxiety, and other destructive behaviors. Family breakdowns have created traumas designed to strip away identity and purpose. But this is also a generation with a powerful call of God. They have a God-given hunger for justice that needs to be channeled toward kingdom purpose. It's our job to nurture that purpose - to stand guard in intercession, to help them understand the warfare coming against them, [...]

Strategic Impact: Empowering the Next Generation2021-07-07T00:19:22+00:00
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