Welcome To Vanguard Creative
We are an online learning hub providing training and community to kingdom-minded leaders.
Less “How-To’s” and More Action: All of our classes, talks and workshops provide a clear call to action to help you move out of the classroom into making the decisions that create real-world impact.
An Exclusive Focus Outside The Walls Of The Church: We’ve designed each of our courses and workshops to look at kingdom principles through that lens, breaking down spiritual principles into practical strategies.
An Emphasis on Collaboration: We are invested in building a community of like-minded leaders across multiple disciplines to provide quality feedback, challenge our assumptions and push each other to be the best we can be.
A Different Kind Of Leadership Training
We believe that God wants to move in every part of society. Unfortunately, most ministry training only focuses on what happens inside the church.
We want to change that.
I’m Shelley Ozment
I am a writer, educator and coach to kingdom-minded leaders and organizations.
Shelley Ozment is the founder of Vanguard Creative, a consulting and educational media company focused on helping leaders discover the kingdom purpose of their work. She is an apostolic teacher who works with leaders across multiple sectors through personal coaching, workshops, and online courses focused on real-world strategies for kingdom impact and cultural engagement.
With a focus on personal identity, apostolic/prophetic strategy, and collaboration, Shelley takes a unique approach to training, blending current business and leadership practices with kingdom dynamics to help leaders understand how to make a Kingdom impact in the world around them.
She is also a writer and public speaker, bringing fresh insight and strategies to address the current cultural issues impacting society. With over 25 years of experience in ministry and business, Shelley is passionate about helping people to break out of limiting mindsets, embrace their identity, and step into kingdom purpose.
Shelley also writes two weekly intercessory prayer newsletters, The 47M Project and The Adopt A School Initiative, which focus on intercession for the seven mountains of culture and local schools. Her work on The Adopt A School Initiative was recently been turned into a book under the same title. She holds a BA from the University of North Texas and lives in Fort Worth, Texas.
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You can also sign up for our two intercessory prayer newsletters, The 47M Project and The Adopt A School Initiative.