
Take New Ground


In this war season, God is raising up kingdom leaders to take new ground throughout the Seven Mountains. But with each new assignment comes a unique set of challenges. There are new boundaries to conquer and new levels of warfare designed to limit your authority and effectiveness. Make no mistake: the enemy is working to squeeze your resources, shake your confidence, and box you into boundaries that are smaller than what God intends for you. But that doesn’t have to stop you. If God is calling you to step into something new, He has given you everything you need to be [...]

Take New Ground2022-08-10T19:42:43+00:00

Seated In Your Place Of Authority


I want to invite you to join me for our next Strategic Impact meeting on Thursday, January 27that 7pm CT, where we will be discussing the topic, Seated In Your Place Of Authority. One of the core directives for the Eklessia in 2022 is that we must understand what it means to be seated in heavenly places (Ephesians 2:6). There is a level of authority that God has made available to us to accomplish the things He has called us to do. Accessing that authority is about shifting into and staying positioned in a new identity. During our meeting, we’ll be talking about [...]

Seated In Your Place Of Authority2022-01-13T22:37:51+00:00
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