
Latest Past Events

Speak The Right Language

Whatever your kingdom assignment is, it takes place within a distinct culture, with its own rules, values, goals, and language. To be successful, you must understand the rule book that goes with that culture, including speaking in a language that allows you to be heard and respected. Speaking the right language helps you understand the people you’re trying to reach and the problems you’re trying to solve. It opens doors of opportunity and builds your credibility. Bottom line: If you ignore the culture, the culture will ignore you. So, if you are going to make an impact, speaking the right language [...]


Amplifying Your Influence

I want to invite you to join me for our next Strategic Impact meeting on Thursday, October 28th at 7PM CT! This month our topic is Amplifying Your Influence. Luke 2:52 says that Jesus “increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.”  As He increased in favor, He also increased in influence throughout Israel, and in doing so, demonstrated to us the need for influence if we are going to be kingdom builders. Creating cultural impact requires a measure of influence, so we must learn how to up our game and amplify our influence in our workplaces and [...]


Strategic Impact Series

Are you ready to do something about the enemy’s aggressive expansion in the world around you?  As the world changes rapidly around us, God is calling His church to move into a season of aggressive kingdom expansion. But like many believers, you may not be sure where/how to get started. You don’t need more teaching. You need a place where you can talk about your ideas and receive valuable feedback and encouragement from other leaders just like you. With this in mind, I want to invite you to join me Thursday, April 29th for the kickoff of a new series of leadership gatherings [...]

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