Strategic Impact: Gathering Resources To Build Your Vision

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I want to invite you to join me for our next Strategic Impact meeting on Thursday, September 30th

This month our topic is Gathering Resources To Build Your Vision. We’ve just entered the Hebrew year 5782, which carries the prophetic symbolism of “Building The House For The Future.”  So, this year is all about moving forward boldly to build upon the vision that God has given you. But to build, you’ll need resources – not just money, but the people, spiritual covering, ideas, and skills that will enable you to turn your vision into a reality.

Practically, this means that we must recognize the resources we need (again, it’s not just money) and begin gathering them strategically.

During our meeting, we’ll discuss:

  • Building strategic partnerships to advance your vision
  • Recognizing the skills you lack and finding the people that have them
  • Tapping into the timing-resource connection
  • Unlocking resources by connecting to God’s plan for your city/industry

During the meeting, there will be a time of prophetic ministry. If you need to see a key resource unlocked so you can move forward, I want to encourage you to join us!

Meeting Details:

September Topic: Gathering Resources To Build Your Vision
Date/Time: Thursday, September 30th @7PM CST
Delivery: Online via Zoom
Host/Convener: Shelley Ozment

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