Wartime Strategies Part 2

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When you make the decision to fully pursue the kingdom purpose of your work, you can expect that there will be warfare. The enemy will do everything he can to attack your identity, undermine your authority, cut off your supply, and pull you out of timing.


Because aligning with kingdom purpose makes you dangerous.

The enemy would like nothing more than to take you out, but God has a strategy to overcome every blockage and set you on a path of victory. You can push through every obstacle and accomplish the assignment God has given you!

During this interactive meeting, we’ll discuss:

  • Recognizing the spiritual dynamics at work against you
  • Understanding the link between identity and authority
  • Overcoming blockages that have limited your resources and hindered your effectiveness

As always, we’ll take time to hear from one another, sharing real-time insights on what’s working and giving advice for those who need a breakthrough.

I hope to see you there!


Meeting Details:
May Topic: Wartime Strategies: Winning the Spiritual Battles Connected to Your Kingdom Assignment
Date/Time: Thursday, May 26th @7PM CST
Delivery: Online via Zoom
Host/Convener: Shelley Ozment



Are you ready to do something about the enemy’s aggressive expansion in the world around you? 

As the world changes rapidly around us, God is calling His church to move into a season of aggressive kingdom expansion. But like many believers, you may not be sure where/how to get started. You don’t need more teaching. You need a place where you can talk about your ideas and receive valuable feedback and encouragement from other leaders just like you. For that reason, we’ve decided to take a different approach, focusing less on teaching and more on discussion, strategy, and collaboration.

What you can expect:

  • A short introduction/teaching on relevant topics
  • A heavy focus on group interaction where you can talk through challenges, share your ideas, and develop strategies with other like-minded leaders.
  • Targeted intercession on group-determined prayer strategies

Every month, we’ll come together to discuss solutions to the spiritual and practical challenges in the world around us. We’ll come up with actionable strategies and learn from each other as we discuss what’s working in a real-world context. Whether it’s making a personal impact, training and releasing others to do so, or using our wealth more strategically, this series will help you discover the ways God is calling you to make an impact in the world around you!


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