strategic impact

Wartime Strategies Part 2


When you make the decision to fully pursue the kingdom purpose of your work, you can expect that there will be warfare. The enemy will do everything he can to attack your identity, undermine your authority, cut off your supply, and pull you out of timing. Why? Because aligning with kingdom purpose makes you dangerous. The enemy would like nothing more than to take you out, but God has a strategy to overcome every blockage and set you on a path of victory. You can push through every obstacle and accomplish the assignment God has given you! During this interactive meeting, [...]

Wartime Strategies Part 22022-05-04T22:07:03+00:00

Building Coalitions for Influence & Impact


I want to invite you to our next Strategic Impact meeting, Thursday, February 24th at 7PM where we’ll be talking about Mobilizing an Army: Building Coalitions for Influence & Impact. In this season of war, God is calling us to walk together in new and more effective ways. It’s time for each of us to begin connecting with the people around us that carry the same vision so that we can work together on more effective strategies for kingdom impact. You may feel like you don’t know where to start, or you don’t know the right people, but you can begin right [...]

Building Coalitions for Influence & Impact2022-01-28T23:23:18+00:00

Aligning with God’s Word for 2022


I want to invite you to join me for our next Strategic Impact meeting on Thursday, December 30th at 7pm CT, where we will be discussing the Word of the Lord for 2022. During our meeting, we’ll do a brief overview of what God has been speaking to the prophets for 2022 and discuss how it applies to our lives. As kingdom builders, we must learn how to practically implement what God is saying for the year ahead so that we can stay in alignment with the timing of His plan. As we consider what God is saying to the Body [...]

Aligning with God’s Word for 20222021-12-07T23:36:08+00:00

Amplifying Your Influence


I want to invite you to join me for our next Strategic Impact meeting on Thursday, October 28th at 7PM CT! This month our topic is Amplifying Your Influence. Luke 2:52 says that Jesus “increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.”  As He increased in favor, He also increased in influence throughout Israel, and in doing so, demonstrated to us the need for influence if we are going to be kingdom builders. Creating cultural impact requires a measure of influence, so we must learn how to up our game and amplify our influence in our workplaces and [...]

Amplifying Your Influence2021-10-14T02:24:53+00:00

Strategic Impact: Combating Critical Race Theory


Critical Race Theory is one of the most destructive ideologies at work in our nation today. In record time, CRT has spread throughout the Seven Mountains, infecting mindsets and stoking racial division in the pursuit of equity. Students and employees are being forced to reject their God-given identities and embrace a socialist agenda. The nation is at a crossroads. It’s time for the Ekklesia to stand together with new strategies and alliances to fight the enemy's deception and bring about true reconciliation! During this interactive meeting, we’ll discuss strategies for: Raising awareness about the destructive philosophy behind CRT Mobilizing against CRT in [...]

Strategic Impact: Combating Critical Race Theory2021-06-06T17:00:55+00:00
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