kingdom impact

Identifying & Eliminating Obstacles


The first rule of leadership is simple: every dream has its own set of obstacles. Accepting that is the first step toward success. If you find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn't lead anywhere. – Frank A. Clark   The people that seem to always accomplish great things aren't more gifted or more anointed. But they are determined. They've learned how to master their emotions, deal with distractions, and prioritize the daily tasks that lead to wins. You can do it, too! If you have a vision that you are struggling to turn into reality, I want to assure [...]

Identifying & Eliminating Obstacles2022-07-14T21:40:41+00:00

Vanguard Voices – Interview with Penny Cruz


Vanguard Voices Interview with Penny Cruz In this episode of Vanguard Voices, I'm joined by Penny Cruz, senior pastor of Journey Church in McAllen, TX. In addition to leading her church, Penny has developed a training program that has opened doors for her to speak to thousands of students, teachers, and administrators throughout the Rio Grande Valley. What began with a pro-abstinence education class in one middle school has grown into a program covering multiple topics that has been embraced by schools all across the Rio Grande Valley. In this interview, Penny covers topics such as: How the door [...]

Vanguard Voices – Interview with Penny Cruz2022-03-16T22:14:15+00:00

Speak The Right Language


Whatever your kingdom assignment is, it takes place within a distinct culture, with its own rules, values, goals, and language. To be successful, you must understand the rule book that goes with that culture, including speaking in a language that allows you to be heard and respected. Speaking the right language helps you understand the people you’re trying to reach and the problems you’re trying to solve. It opens doors of opportunity and builds your credibility. Bottom line: If you ignore the culture, the culture will ignore you. So, if you are going to make an impact, speaking the right language [...]

Speak The Right Language2022-03-11T22:42:05+00:00

Building Coalitions for Influence & Impact


I want to invite you to our next Strategic Impact meeting, Thursday, February 24th at 7PM where we’ll be talking about Mobilizing an Army: Building Coalitions for Influence & Impact. In this season of war, God is calling us to walk together in new and more effective ways. It’s time for each of us to begin connecting with the people around us that carry the same vision so that we can work together on more effective strategies for kingdom impact. You may feel like you don’t know where to start, or you don’t know the right people, but you can begin right [...]

Building Coalitions for Influence & Impact2022-01-28T23:23:18+00:00

Seated In Your Place Of Authority


I want to invite you to join me for our next Strategic Impact meeting on Thursday, January 27that 7pm CT, where we will be discussing the topic, Seated In Your Place Of Authority. One of the core directives for the Eklessia in 2022 is that we must understand what it means to be seated in heavenly places (Ephesians 2:6). There is a level of authority that God has made available to us to accomplish the things He has called us to do. Accessing that authority is about shifting into and staying positioned in a new identity. During our meeting, we’ll be talking about [...]

Seated In Your Place Of Authority2022-01-13T22:37:51+00:00

Aligning with God’s Word for 2022


I want to invite you to join me for our next Strategic Impact meeting on Thursday, December 30th at 7pm CT, where we will be discussing the Word of the Lord for 2022. During our meeting, we’ll do a brief overview of what God has been speaking to the prophets for 2022 and discuss how it applies to our lives. As kingdom builders, we must learn how to practically implement what God is saying for the year ahead so that we can stay in alignment with the timing of His plan. As we consider what God is saying to the Body [...]

Aligning with God’s Word for 20222021-12-07T23:36:08+00:00

Amplifying Your Influence


I want to invite you to join me for our next Strategic Impact meeting on Thursday, October 28th at 7PM CT! This month our topic is Amplifying Your Influence. Luke 2:52 says that Jesus “increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.”  As He increased in favor, He also increased in influence throughout Israel, and in doing so, demonstrated to us the need for influence if we are going to be kingdom builders. Creating cultural impact requires a measure of influence, so we must learn how to up our game and amplify our influence in our workplaces and [...]

Amplifying Your Influence2021-10-14T02:24:53+00:00

The Strategic Impact Series: Unlocking Kingdom Resources


THE STRATEGIC IMPACT SERIES MAY MEETING INFO: Unlocking Resources For Kingdom Impact Good ideas are great, but without the proper resources to implement them, you're not going to make much of an impact. The reality is that you can have a God-inspired idea, but still fail because you haven't learned how to tap into the resources that God has made available to you. This month, we're talking about how we can begin to change that. During this interactive meeting, we'll discuss: Recognizing limiting mindsets that may be blocking the resources you need The reasons that "God ideas" fail How to leverage limited [...]

The Strategic Impact Series: Unlocking Kingdom Resources2021-05-07T20:24:31+00:00

Strategic Impact Series


Are you ready to do something about the enemy’s aggressive expansion in the world around you?  As the world changes rapidly around us, God is calling His church to move into a season of aggressive kingdom expansion. But like many believers, you may not be sure where/how to get started. You don’t need more teaching. You need a place where you can talk about your ideas and receive valuable feedback and encouragement from other leaders just like you. With this in mind, I want to invite you to join me Thursday, April 29th for the kickoff of a new series of leadership gatherings [...]

Strategic Impact Series2021-04-18T22:35:28+00:00

The Victim Addiction


The Victim Addiction We have a serious addiction problem in America. It has infiltrated every part of society, corrupting the brightest minds and stealing their futures. This addiction has reached such epic proportions that the fate of our nation literally hangs in the balance. What is this addiction? It’s an addiction to being a victim. Whether it’s transgenderism, critical race theory, or some other buzzworthy cultural designation, being a victim is where it’s at. If you want to be noticed, choose your favorite label, and you'll jump up the charts in status! The pull of victimhood is so intoxicating, and its [...]

The Victim Addiction2021-04-01T16:05:44+00:00
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